If you have a Bluetooth-enabled hearing aid and a smartphone (iPhone/Android) you can now connect to the church audio for a better listening experience. If you have a Bluetooth-enabled hearing aid, but no smartphone contact Nate Wessels for further instructions. (971) 217-4953 or [email protected]
The app to install on your phone for hearing aids with Bluetooth. iOS and Android: https://www.
When you arrive at church you will need to connect your smartphone to the church wifi network:
WiFi Name: Visitation Church Audio
Password: Ingodwetrust
As of September 9th, 2023, we have all 8 of the new church speakers now set up and connected. For the past few months, only 4 of the speakers were set up. For the next few weeks, Nate Wessels will be adjusting the audio (base, middle, treble, audio levels) in church and will be sitting in different areas of the church each mass. Many of you have probably noticed that the audio sounds different depending on where you sit (front, middle, end), he will be working on making that sound consistent throughout. If you notice him on his phone during church, he is actively making adjustments. If you have suggestions/concerns feel free to talk with him after church or contact him via phone/text at (971) 217-4953 or email [email protected]. There is also an update on the assisted listening system for hearing aids below.